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WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE is coming to Byron Bay July 5th – July 7th, 2018

After selling out across Sydney and New Zealand, Byron local, Stefan Hunt, has decided it’s the shire’s turn to soak up the incredible message – fear less, live more, because we’re all going to die anyway right? The three-day mini-festival deals with themes around fear through the lens of our inevitable death. This multi-media festival of art, film, photography and immersive experiences, created by local and international artists, will spring up all over Byron across Studio Tropico, Pighouse Flicks, the Solar Train, Beach Hotel, Service Denim and The Byron Scout Hall over July 5 – 7. Don’t be fooled by the taboo name though, think of this event as an amusement park for your soul.

FESTIVAL INFO Via https://www.wereallgoingto.com/byron/

TICKETS Via http://www.moshtix.com.au/v2/were-all-going-to-die

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